We help you to get answers to your questions about organ donation.

The organ donation

Whether you want to donate organs or not is your personal decision. The decisive factor is that you make a commitment. This clear position not only creates security for yourself, but also makes the situation easier for your relatives in critical moments.

In Switzerland, it is possible to donate up to six different organs: heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas and small intestine. The pancreas can be transferred either as a whole or in the form of isolated islet cells that produce insulin, for example. In addition to organs, various tissues and cells such as corneas, heart valves, large blood vessels, bones, cartilage and tendons can also be transplanted. The prerequisite for organ or tissue donation is consent and the unequivocal determination of the donor's brain death. After organ removal, only a surgical scar remains, giving the family the opportunity to say goodbye to the deceased person in an appropriate and silent manner.

For more information on organ donation, click here to go directly to the Swisstransplant website.

Here is a fact quiz!

How much does a heart weigh? Can all organs be donated? How is it decided whether someone receives an organ? We have listed these and other interesting facts for you here.

How many kidneys does a healthy person have?

1) 1 kidney
2) 2 kidneys
3) 4 kidneys


Did you know?

When did the first transplant take place?

1) 1954
2) 1932
3) 1980


Did you know?

Why was the first transplant a success?

1) They were identical twins
2) They were siblings
3) You had the right medication

They were identical twins

Did you know?

What do you call the medication of transplanted persons?

1) Immunosuppressants
2) Diuretic
3) Antibiotics


Did you know?

What is forbidden for a transplant recipient?

1) Bungee jump
2) Grapefruit
3) Colour your hair


Did you know?

How should a transplant recipient behave?

1) Like a pregnant woman
2) Like a policeman
3) Like a retired person

Like a pregnant woman

Did you know?

Which organ cannot be donated alive? Lung Liver Heart

1) Lung
2) Liver
3) Heart


Did you know?

Which organ is transplanted the most?

1) Heart
2) Lung
3) Kidney


Did you know?

How many people are on the waiting list each year?

1) 500
2) 800
3) 1500


Did you know?

Do you still have questions?

Do not hesitate to contact us! We will be happy to answer all your questions.


Our locations

A.S.T Klaus Germann Umweltschutz GmbH

Phone: +49 63 311 49 75

AKE Böhmer

Phone: +49 2226 92420

Erles Umweltservice GmbH

Phone: +49 06 226 42 966 

HS Kanalsanierung GmbH

Phone: +49 60 928 22 89 0

Jeschke Umwelttechnik GmbH

Phone: +49 07 244 20 518 0

Kanalservice Braunen GmbH

Phone: +49 8039 4099 106

Tubus GmbH
Phone +49 341 90453-330

Htr-bau GmbH
Phone +49 341 91981-310

Viacon GmbH
Phone +49 341 91981-312

Mitteldeutsche Kanalservice GmbH
Phone +49 345 563 00 18/19

A.S.T Klaus Germann Umweltschutz GmbH

Rheinstrasse 16 - 66955 Pirmasen

AKE Böhmer

Gutenbergstrasse 17 - 53359 Rheinbach

Erles Umweltservice GmbH

Dieselstrasse 5 - D-74909 Meckesheim

HS Kanalsanierung GmbH

Kreuzdelle 30 - 63872 Heimbuchenthal

Jeschke Umwelttechnik GmbH

Heimholzstrasse 1C - D-76297 Stutensee

Kanalservice Braunen GmbH

Am Leitenfeld 4 - 83556 Griesstätt

Mitteldeutsche Kanalservice GmbH
Priemitzstraße 7 - 06184 Kabelsketal
Tubus GmbH || Htr-Bau GmbH || Viacon GmbH
Maximilianallee 22 - 04129 Leipzig